Tuesday, September 23, 2008

English Composition as a Happening

English Composition as a Happening
By Charles Deemer

Author's main idea :
Deemer starts out his article with the definition of Education. Throughout the article, Deemer goes into depth with Western Education as is; its flaws, downfalls, and most aspects that keep naive American writers narrow minded. The author mentions the distance between a "teacher" and their students. Students have little or no interest in the education given [partial] blame to the "teachers". For the most part, teachers have a go-through-the-motion mentality, just following the rubric given to them.Deemer is very clear on how teachers should be. As a teacher, they have the responsibility to step up to the plate as a Leader, as a positive role model. Instead its like they are showing up everyday to school--like the students--because they have to. Writing is not just another subject that will vaguely tag along in the back of our brains when remembering the good ol' days of school. Instead, English composition opens up possibilities to creating our lives, our ideas, and our futures. English composition opens up realization of our past and our present. Writing opens up our creative imagination more than most that we will experience in life. How can that even start to occur if students are not able to start a foundation in their own classroom. It simply does not form adequately. Deemer informs that education should be done in the right manner. In order for that to happen, teachers, universities, and their education would have to start all over from scratch.
Deemer significantly supports his position in a handful of ways. One way is obvious as he uses common sense to support his writing. He mentions plainly how it is on a regular basis in a basic classroom. He also supports his position with brilliant quotes from various intelligence of authors.

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