Writing 101 challenged me to grow in such a way that I did not know was possible. I have grown up in an educational system that is strictly supposed to follow a format and guideline to earn a simple grade. The structure I grew up with did not focus on quality and depth of writing. I have always felt very aware of the fact that I was not able to develop my own writing personality when it came to school work. This was a major reality check especially after participating in writing 101. I came to Puget Sound Early College eager to learn with a motivational attitude. Because I was willing to learn, I was able to see many strengths and weaknesses within my ability to write. Throughout the quarter, I have come to a point of accomplishment with what I have learned and although there were some difficult challenges, every moment was definitely worth it. Today I am more confident when using my writing skills and it will be shown as I express my strengths and weaknesses from two pieces of my writing: Bacon's Rebellion and My Writing Philosophy.
In October, our class turned in Essay #1 about Bacon's Rebellion. The end result of this essay pointed out more of my weaknesses than strengths. My initial reaction was discouragement because I put a lot of hard work into this essay with it's planning and several rough drafts. After looking at my graded rubric, I realized why I received the score that I did. I took advantage of my weak points from my essay so I could learn from them. Having a strong voice in our pieces of writing was something that was taught as very important and needed in Writing 101. I did not apply a clear voice to my essay and when my tone was there, it was quite vague. For Example, the first two sentences of my essay are "The time period in which Bacon's Rebellion occurred was a compelling moment in history. This is true no matter what angle it is looked upon." I started out the essay poorly with a faint protest of truth. Every situation in life is looked at from many angles so I was not proving anything strong by stating that in my essay. Writing 101 is the first place I learned to use my voice as a significant part of writing and because of this, I feel that the more practice I had, the more my voice was heard in my writing towards the end of the quarter. Engaging the audience in our essays is another fundamental point when writing. This is something I learned to acquire over the quarter because this was also a technique that was not familiar to me before taking this class. The essay on Bacon's Rebellion was my first essay in Writing 101, so engaging the audience was something I also did inadequately on.
At the beginning of the school year, one of the first assignments given to us was to write about our personal writing philosophy. At this point, we were new to this class so the first couple of assignments were to be written as free style. I have to admit that I over analyzed and did not believe that there were no strict rules to follow as we wrote. I followed directions anyway and wrote everything without worrying about having to follow unsparing commands. This was very enjoyable to write and I felt like I was not only writing from my mind, but I was also writing from my heart. An important point from My Writing Philosophy is "Writing is giving and receiving information that you can be compelled to share with others; whether it be emotional, intellectual, or spiritual" This is an important part to me because when writing this essay, I truly meant everything that I wrote, I was not just writing down nonsense in order to receive a simple grade. After writing about my philosophy, I know that I can carry these truths into any writing style which is something that is beneficial and powerful.
Looking back on Writing 101, I definitely know that it was a great learning experience in my life. Coming into this class, I did not know exactly what I was going to overcome and learn. Writing at a college level was an adventure for me and I am looking forward to using the skills I achieved and earned for my future pieces of writing.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Writing Philosophy - Portfolio
What is My Writing Philosophy?
I personally feel like I have not been able to grasp the full ability of my writing philosophy just yet. I feel like I have so much to learn about my writing philosophy and I am really looking forward to it. There is a part of a definition of the word philosophy that states "the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them". This really intrigues me because I have always thought of ways of improvement, ways of strengthening my writing skills. Writing is a long journey because there is always room for improvement.
Writing is a form of art and it opens up imagination and ideas that you are able to put to paper. When we post our assignments for writing class on the blogger website, it shows a form of art as we express the aptitude of our intelligence. We are able to go in depth to any extent we desire and while accomplishing this, anyone from all over the world has access to read what we post on our websites. The thought of that amazes me and it is a great experience to be apart of.
My personal experience with my Writing Philosophy is very significant. Growing up, I didn't always have an emotionally stable household. When I was younger and experiencing these family issues, my natural instinct was to hide it away in a journal, to put my deepest feelings and secrets to paper. I wrote in journals for years about almost everything. Writing develops a better understanding from many angles. When my father had found my journals and mischievously read through them, he was able to relate to me better, knowing what was going through my head and how I felt about the same issues that he was going through as well. When writing, it can develop understanding for both the author and the audience and that is exactly what was accomplished between my dad and I.
Once I started realizing my writing philosophy, I experienced self growth as well as self actualization. I say this because everyone has a million thoughts running through their heads and when you write, you are able to embrace some of those intense thoughts and it is a fascinating experience. Writing is giving and receiving information that you can be compelled to share with others; whether it is emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Writing is a world of its own.
I personally feel like I have not been able to grasp the full ability of my writing philosophy just yet. I feel like I have so much to learn about my writing philosophy and I am really looking forward to it. There is a part of a definition of the word philosophy that states "the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them". This really intrigues me because I have always thought of ways of improvement, ways of strengthening my writing skills. Writing is a long journey because there is always room for improvement.
Writing is a form of art and it opens up imagination and ideas that you are able to put to paper. When we post our assignments for writing class on the blogger website, it shows a form of art as we express the aptitude of our intelligence. We are able to go in depth to any extent we desire and while accomplishing this, anyone from all over the world has access to read what we post on our websites. The thought of that amazes me and it is a great experience to be apart of.
My personal experience with my Writing Philosophy is very significant. Growing up, I didn't always have an emotionally stable household. When I was younger and experiencing these family issues, my natural instinct was to hide it away in a journal, to put my deepest feelings and secrets to paper. I wrote in journals for years about almost everything. Writing develops a better understanding from many angles. When my father had found my journals and mischievously read through them, he was able to relate to me better, knowing what was going through my head and how I felt about the same issues that he was going through as well. When writing, it can develop understanding for both the author and the audience and that is exactly what was accomplished between my dad and I.
Once I started realizing my writing philosophy, I experienced self growth as well as self actualization. I say this because everyone has a million thoughts running through their heads and when you write, you are able to embrace some of those intense thoughts and it is a fascinating experience. Writing is giving and receiving information that you can be compelled to share with others; whether it is emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Writing is a world of its own.
Bacon's Rebellion - Portfolio
The Government is at Fault for Bacon's Rebellion, Not Nathanial Bacon
The time period in which Bacon's Rebellion occurred was a compelling moment in history. Some say Nathanial Bacon's actions were horrible, while others view him as a hero. Bacon's Rebellion was highly significant because it was an event that interfered with authority, defiance, confrontation, struggle, and evidently, no solution. Although the rebellion was officially started by a man named Nathanial Bacon, it is not necessarily his fault. The rebellion was a ripple effect. The downfall of a leader’s disappointment to colonists, led to the effective strength of one colonist taking a stand. Nathanial Bacon had great influence in Virginia. He impelled the lower class to make a difference. He challenged the government to be stronger. He most definitely affected the lifestyles of those in Virginia during that time period. While satisfying the people behind him, he caused a major ruckus for those who despised him. As all these interferences are expressed, they are voiced in such a way that shows the Government of Virginia is clearly at fault for Bacon's Rebellion, not Nathanial Bacon.
During the 17c, William Berkeley was appointed Governor of Virginia by the King of England. It would soon come to be that Governor Berkeley's control of the government would be a major contribution to Bacon's Rebellion. One factor for this is that Governor Berkeley met the needs and satisfactions of the upper class, leaving the lower class--mostly farmers-- out of the picture. When the colonists first arrived to the new Virginian lands, Berkeley allowed his colony to settle on native lands. During the transition into native lands, Berkeley also wanted to befriend the natives, without consulting ahead of time to see exactly what he was getting himself, and his colony into. The colony of Virginia knew nothing about the Natives and their lifestyles. Taking land from these people, then trying to become friends with them was not the smartest action Berkeley lead his colonists to. Maybe Berkeley was doing what he thought was best for his colony, but poor decision making came from the fact that Berkeley was new to the New World, just like all the colonists, allowing him to make naive adjustments, especially when making the new land the colonists' home.
As the colonist settled to the new lands, so did conflict. Problems from petty to serious matters between the natives and colonists commonly resulted in murder “...I am sure if the Indian were not cowards, they might have destroyed all the upper plantations and killed all the people upon them” (Doc #9). The horrible murders and events brought the colonist to their leader, Governor Berkeley. They went to him for help and guidance against the natives hoping for an answer; for a stop to the madness. Unfortunately, Berkeley did just the opposite for the needs of his people. Instead of stepping up as a leader, Berkeley merely embraced the Natives for trading matters "The colonial governor was making a good profit from trading with the Indians, and was not willing to disrupt that business by triggering open war (Virginiaplaces.org). Selfishly more concerned with the economy of Virginia, than the innocent lives of people is visibly what Berkeley was choosing. Governor Berkeley made poor decisions while serving the colony of Virginia“The Governor much their friend, that he would not suffer any body to hurt one of the Indians, and he would be very much concerned for the loss of his Overseer...” (Doc #9) His people were simply unprotected against the Indians. There were wars every day between the colonists and the Indians. While this occurred on a daily basis, Governor Berkeley was taking no action. This put the colonists in a position to continuously get hurt. “The unsatisfied People finding themselves still liable to the Indian cruelties…” (Doc #16). Complaint after complaint, he finally made little effort. To make an appearance of attempt, Governor Berkeley came up with a “solution”. Claiming to help end the acts of destruction, his response was to vaguely build forts for protection “What care the Assembly took to prevent these massacres was only to build forts at the heads of each river and on the frontiers and confines of the country…” (Doc#16). This did no good, for the Indians were not as inexperienced as Berkeley thought. In fact, the Indians were able to dominate the forts that were solemnly made to put them down. Putting forts up only at the heads of rivers and frontiers made the colonists look silly and foolish.
During this time period, there were basically two types of social rank. The upper class--usually made up of rich plantation owners, and the lower class that included indentured servants and necessitous farmers. Governor Berkeley favored the higher rank in the social class as they greatly admired him.Pleasing the colonists with money and wealth was flattering to Governor Berkeley. The people of the lower class were not being heard nor being reassured of their needs from the leadership of the colony. This made many lower class men furious, causing an up roar of rebellious men “Bacon’s Rebellion brought together groups from the lower classes. They were angry too—mostly about the huge gap between the rich and poor in Virginia” (Zinn, pg. 36). When Berkeley received a complaint from a lower class colonist, Nathanial Bacon, it would not be the last time Berkeley would have an encounter with him. Bacon was upset because natives had killed his friend and servant. When feeling no help from the Governor, Bacon became even more upset. Little did Berkeley know, sitting back and choosing to ignore the people's cry for help, would give Bacon the authority to pass Berkeley up for revenge and power “The frontiersmen felt that the colonial government had let them down…They were angry and they weren’t the only ones” (Zinn pg. 36) Nathanial Bacon had many men that that completely agreed with him, giving him strong support “In 1676, these unhappy Virginians found a leader in Nathanial Bacon” (Zinn pg. 37) Bacon took advantage of this and was able to become a leader in the House of Burgess's. Nathanial Bacon had passion in what he was pursuing. He cared deeply about his rights and fighting for what he believed in. Even though the leaders were against him, he kept pushing. Bacon literally got his motivation from the fact that people were against him. His desire came from having no response from the government, no response for a problem that needed to be solved immediately. “They elected Bacon to the colonial government, called the House of Burgess's…Bacon was ready to send armed militias or armed groups of citizens to fight the Indians”(Zinn pg.37) The mediocre men of Virginia were very complimentary to Bacon because they felt like someone took a chance to be a leader that was on their side. The great rebel's actions were altogether opposite of the Governor's. Governor Berkeley has no affection for the lower class as opposed to the upper class. The trifling governor intentionally pushed away the community of people that needed him the most. That is where Nathanial Bacon is most successful. The people looked up to him because he came and cleaned up after Governor Berkeley's messy tactics for taking care of the great Virginia colony.
Coming to the New World was opening the door to endless opportunity. Although the colony was not even a country or a nation yet, freedom was everywhere. Freedom was throughout laws and rules. Freedom was the colonist coming to the New World to start a fresh beginning. Bacon stood up for what he believed and broke through for rights; for freedom. He wanted to be noticed, to be heard and he very well accomplished that. By doing so, he set his stone in history. This is carried throughout each generation. A strong representation of this is going on today is strikes. Whether it’s for businesses, politics, laws, or just any given right, people have the opportunity to go on strike. The fact that people have the freedom to strike against something they don't agree with is gratifying. When communities of people go on strike, it is powerful. Their voices are heard and they have the ability to make change to a great extent. Going on strike is a form of rebellion against the rules and laws regulated. Just like Bacon’s Rebellion, Nathanial Bacon went against the rules. This event in history has been one link in the chain to why our wonderful country is known for its independence and freedom to this day.
It is truly sad that within communities, there are sides you have to chose to live by. The colony of Virginia was a crisp, new environment, yet people were already divided by rich and poor. Nathanial Bacon was shunned by most just because he was reaching out past the lower class. In most cases for history events, the heroes were rejected in their lives. When looking back on heroes, or simply people that are remembered for making a difference, is when all truth unfolds. The greatness of looking at Bacon's Rebellion from a bird's eye view, hundreds of years later, is very beneficial. Being able to see all of the Rebel's work gives a great aspect of how Nathanial Bacon made a change. Even though Nathanial Bacon was greatly looked down upon from the Government of Virginia and the upper class of his generation, Bacon made a difference. He fought for what needed to be done in his colony against the natives. Nathanial Bacon was definitely noticed and over all, and proved distinction in history.
Although Governor Berkeley does not get as much praise as Nathanial Bacon, he is a major reason for why Bacon's Rebellion is studied throughout history. Governor Berkeley gave Nathanial Bacon something to do; something to stand against. These men were both powerful because they challenged each other's weaknesses and strengths. The Government is at fault for Bacon's Rebellion because they chose to ignore red flags. If Governor Berkeley would have compassionately answered the request of his lower class, then Bacon would have not created the rebellion, with hundreds of men behind him. The outcome shows the strong rebel had to be defiant in order for lives to be protected in the lower class. The fate of this rebellion clearly represents the government of Virginia was sincerely ignorant.
The 44 documents handed out in class
[document # 9,16] "
A Young People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn http://www.virginiaplaces.org/military/bacon.html
The time period in which Bacon's Rebellion occurred was a compelling moment in history. Some say Nathanial Bacon's actions were horrible, while others view him as a hero. Bacon's Rebellion was highly significant because it was an event that interfered with authority, defiance, confrontation, struggle, and evidently, no solution. Although the rebellion was officially started by a man named Nathanial Bacon, it is not necessarily his fault. The rebellion was a ripple effect. The downfall of a leader’s disappointment to colonists, led to the effective strength of one colonist taking a stand. Nathanial Bacon had great influence in Virginia. He impelled the lower class to make a difference. He challenged the government to be stronger. He most definitely affected the lifestyles of those in Virginia during that time period. While satisfying the people behind him, he caused a major ruckus for those who despised him. As all these interferences are expressed, they are voiced in such a way that shows the Government of Virginia is clearly at fault for Bacon's Rebellion, not Nathanial Bacon.
During the 17c, William Berkeley was appointed Governor of Virginia by the King of England. It would soon come to be that Governor Berkeley's control of the government would be a major contribution to Bacon's Rebellion. One factor for this is that Governor Berkeley met the needs and satisfactions of the upper class, leaving the lower class--mostly farmers-- out of the picture. When the colonists first arrived to the new Virginian lands, Berkeley allowed his colony to settle on native lands. During the transition into native lands, Berkeley also wanted to befriend the natives, without consulting ahead of time to see exactly what he was getting himself, and his colony into. The colony of Virginia knew nothing about the Natives and their lifestyles. Taking land from these people, then trying to become friends with them was not the smartest action Berkeley lead his colonists to. Maybe Berkeley was doing what he thought was best for his colony, but poor decision making came from the fact that Berkeley was new to the New World, just like all the colonists, allowing him to make naive adjustments, especially when making the new land the colonists' home.
As the colonist settled to the new lands, so did conflict. Problems from petty to serious matters between the natives and colonists commonly resulted in murder “...I am sure if the Indian were not cowards, they might have destroyed all the upper plantations and killed all the people upon them” (Doc #9). The horrible murders and events brought the colonist to their leader, Governor Berkeley. They went to him for help and guidance against the natives hoping for an answer; for a stop to the madness. Unfortunately, Berkeley did just the opposite for the needs of his people. Instead of stepping up as a leader, Berkeley merely embraced the Natives for trading matters "The colonial governor was making a good profit from trading with the Indians, and was not willing to disrupt that business by triggering open war (Virginiaplaces.org). Selfishly more concerned with the economy of Virginia, than the innocent lives of people is visibly what Berkeley was choosing. Governor Berkeley made poor decisions while serving the colony of Virginia“The Governor much their friend, that he would not suffer any body to hurt one of the Indians, and he would be very much concerned for the loss of his Overseer...” (Doc #9) His people were simply unprotected against the Indians. There were wars every day between the colonists and the Indians. While this occurred on a daily basis, Governor Berkeley was taking no action. This put the colonists in a position to continuously get hurt. “The unsatisfied People finding themselves still liable to the Indian cruelties…” (Doc #16). Complaint after complaint, he finally made little effort. To make an appearance of attempt, Governor Berkeley came up with a “solution”. Claiming to help end the acts of destruction, his response was to vaguely build forts for protection “What care the Assembly took to prevent these massacres was only to build forts at the heads of each river and on the frontiers and confines of the country…” (Doc#16). This did no good, for the Indians were not as inexperienced as Berkeley thought. In fact, the Indians were able to dominate the forts that were solemnly made to put them down. Putting forts up only at the heads of rivers and frontiers made the colonists look silly and foolish.
During this time period, there were basically two types of social rank. The upper class--usually made up of rich plantation owners, and the lower class that included indentured servants and necessitous farmers. Governor Berkeley favored the higher rank in the social class as they greatly admired him.Pleasing the colonists with money and wealth was flattering to Governor Berkeley. The people of the lower class were not being heard nor being reassured of their needs from the leadership of the colony. This made many lower class men furious, causing an up roar of rebellious men “Bacon’s Rebellion brought together groups from the lower classes. They were angry too—mostly about the huge gap between the rich and poor in Virginia” (Zinn, pg. 36). When Berkeley received a complaint from a lower class colonist, Nathanial Bacon, it would not be the last time Berkeley would have an encounter with him. Bacon was upset because natives had killed his friend and servant. When feeling no help from the Governor, Bacon became even more upset. Little did Berkeley know, sitting back and choosing to ignore the people's cry for help, would give Bacon the authority to pass Berkeley up for revenge and power “The frontiersmen felt that the colonial government had let them down…They were angry and they weren’t the only ones” (Zinn pg. 36) Nathanial Bacon had many men that that completely agreed with him, giving him strong support “In 1676, these unhappy Virginians found a leader in Nathanial Bacon” (Zinn pg. 37) Bacon took advantage of this and was able to become a leader in the House of Burgess's. Nathanial Bacon had passion in what he was pursuing. He cared deeply about his rights and fighting for what he believed in. Even though the leaders were against him, he kept pushing. Bacon literally got his motivation from the fact that people were against him. His desire came from having no response from the government, no response for a problem that needed to be solved immediately. “They elected Bacon to the colonial government, called the House of Burgess's…Bacon was ready to send armed militias or armed groups of citizens to fight the Indians”(Zinn pg.37) The mediocre men of Virginia were very complimentary to Bacon because they felt like someone took a chance to be a leader that was on their side. The great rebel's actions were altogether opposite of the Governor's. Governor Berkeley has no affection for the lower class as opposed to the upper class. The trifling governor intentionally pushed away the community of people that needed him the most. That is where Nathanial Bacon is most successful. The people looked up to him because he came and cleaned up after Governor Berkeley's messy tactics for taking care of the great Virginia colony.
Coming to the New World was opening the door to endless opportunity. Although the colony was not even a country or a nation yet, freedom was everywhere. Freedom was throughout laws and rules. Freedom was the colonist coming to the New World to start a fresh beginning. Bacon stood up for what he believed and broke through for rights; for freedom. He wanted to be noticed, to be heard and he very well accomplished that. By doing so, he set his stone in history. This is carried throughout each generation. A strong representation of this is going on today is strikes. Whether it’s for businesses, politics, laws, or just any given right, people have the opportunity to go on strike. The fact that people have the freedom to strike against something they don't agree with is gratifying. When communities of people go on strike, it is powerful. Their voices are heard and they have the ability to make change to a great extent. Going on strike is a form of rebellion against the rules and laws regulated. Just like Bacon’s Rebellion, Nathanial Bacon went against the rules. This event in history has been one link in the chain to why our wonderful country is known for its independence and freedom to this day.
It is truly sad that within communities, there are sides you have to chose to live by. The colony of Virginia was a crisp, new environment, yet people were already divided by rich and poor. Nathanial Bacon was shunned by most just because he was reaching out past the lower class. In most cases for history events, the heroes were rejected in their lives. When looking back on heroes, or simply people that are remembered for making a difference, is when all truth unfolds. The greatness of looking at Bacon's Rebellion from a bird's eye view, hundreds of years later, is very beneficial. Being able to see all of the Rebel's work gives a great aspect of how Nathanial Bacon made a change. Even though Nathanial Bacon was greatly looked down upon from the Government of Virginia and the upper class of his generation, Bacon made a difference. He fought for what needed to be done in his colony against the natives. Nathanial Bacon was definitely noticed and over all, and proved distinction in history.
Although Governor Berkeley does not get as much praise as Nathanial Bacon, he is a major reason for why Bacon's Rebellion is studied throughout history. Governor Berkeley gave Nathanial Bacon something to do; something to stand against. These men were both powerful because they challenged each other's weaknesses and strengths. The Government is at fault for Bacon's Rebellion because they chose to ignore red flags. If Governor Berkeley would have compassionately answered the request of his lower class, then Bacon would have not created the rebellion, with hundreds of men behind him. The outcome shows the strong rebel had to be defiant in order for lives to be protected in the lower class. The fate of this rebellion clearly represents the government of Virginia was sincerely ignorant.
The 44 documents handed out in class
[document # 9,16] "
A Young People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn http://www.virginiaplaces.org/military/bacon.html
Portfolio: Final Exam Frame #2
Writing is a fundamental part of life when it is used and challenged in diverse ways. That is where you will find yourself becoming a better and stronger writer. Optimism One states that working together with other people is healthy. When writing and functioning together with people, it helps you to improve your writing skills. He backs up his opinion with a great quote from Peter Elbow that basically says finding people to read and critique your work is beneficial when working with an open mind mentality. Naturally, working with other minds creates inspirational pieces of art. I feel you can relate this to many aspects of life. For example, businesses and companies come together all the time to discuss situations and problems. To try to work out and negotiate complications, to come to a conclusion, and to improve and please everyone’s needs.
This brings me to how Optimism One’s views apply to my personal experience with writing this quarter. During writing 101, we posted all of our work to a blog website. When coming together during class, we were assigned to read other student’s blogs and do peer review. I felt like this was very helpful and I also was eager to peer review my classmates’ work to help point out to them their weaknesses and strengths. A result of writing 101 brought an atmosphere of trust among all of us as students. I say this because I took their criticism to my work seriously. I felt like I was able to write and no one was going to look down on me. Instead they would bring me up by helping me with trying to improve what I was writing. I hope that I benefited them as well and over all, we challenged each other to become better writers.
Another great example of this in Writing 101 was when we did essay #3. Essay #3 was a class debate and everyone was divided into groups of three to four in each group. Out of all the assignments I did this quarter, I felt like essay #3 was the most enjoyable. When working together, it brought so much more creativity and quality to the table than if I were to just work by myself. We all brainstormed together and came up with many ideas that benefited our group. It also helped me to become more open minded when working. I realize that everyone is intelligent in their own unique ways and when we come together to work, the diversity is a positive attribute, especially because everyone in my group was willing to work together.
It takes a great amount of maturity to be able to work together while maintaining a positive environment. I have personally accomplished this and it is one reason I take pleasure in being accountable to working together. I agree with everything that Optimism One states in his passage so there is no room for disagreement. Although there are many people that are very strongly opinionated, it is always possible to work together and have democratic privileges. If everyone was willing to get along and work together, in particular to using writing talents, than this world would definitely be a better place.
This brings me to how Optimism One’s views apply to my personal experience with writing this quarter. During writing 101, we posted all of our work to a blog website. When coming together during class, we were assigned to read other student’s blogs and do peer review. I felt like this was very helpful and I also was eager to peer review my classmates’ work to help point out to them their weaknesses and strengths. A result of writing 101 brought an atmosphere of trust among all of us as students. I say this because I took their criticism to my work seriously. I felt like I was able to write and no one was going to look down on me. Instead they would bring me up by helping me with trying to improve what I was writing. I hope that I benefited them as well and over all, we challenged each other to become better writers.
Another great example of this in Writing 101 was when we did essay #3. Essay #3 was a class debate and everyone was divided into groups of three to four in each group. Out of all the assignments I did this quarter, I felt like essay #3 was the most enjoyable. When working together, it brought so much more creativity and quality to the table than if I were to just work by myself. We all brainstormed together and came up with many ideas that benefited our group. It also helped me to become more open minded when working. I realize that everyone is intelligent in their own unique ways and when we come together to work, the diversity is a positive attribute, especially because everyone in my group was willing to work together.
It takes a great amount of maturity to be able to work together while maintaining a positive environment. I have personally accomplished this and it is one reason I take pleasure in being accountable to working together. I agree with everything that Optimism One states in his passage so there is no room for disagreement. Although there are many people that are very strongly opinionated, it is always possible to work together and have democratic privileges. If everyone was willing to get along and work together, in particular to using writing talents, than this world would definitely be a better place.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Text Analysis: Kentucky Resolution 1799
Kentucky Resolution - Alien and Sedition Acts
--Who is writing?
The writers are the good people of the common wealth
"THE representatives of the good people of this commonwealth in general assembly convened, having maturely considered the answers of sundry states in the Union,"
--Who is the audience?
The audience includes American states and the Union.
"RESOLVED, That this commonwealth considers the federal union, upon the terms and for the purposes specified in the late compact, as conducive to the liberty and happiness of the several states"
--Who do the writers represent?
The writers represent the commonwealth people of America.
"THE representatives of the good people of this commonwealth in general assembly convened, having maturely considered the answers of sundry states in the Union, to their resolutions passed at the last session, respecting certain unconstitutional laws of Congress,"
--What is being said, argued and/or requested?
The people of the commonwealth feel the Union's alien and sedition laws interfere with the constitution for the people.
"commonly called the alien and sedition laws, would be faithless indeed to themselves, and to those they represent, were they silently to acquiesce in principles and doctrines attempted to be maintained in all those answers, that of Virginia only excepted. To again enter the field of argument, and attempt more fully or forcibly to expose the unconstitutionality of those obnoxious laws, would, it is apprehended be as unnecessary as unavailing. "
--How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
The commonwealth disagree with the Union's decisions and actions with the laws formed. They approach the situation with disagreement and strong discern. Instead of using violence or negative action, they are requesting a solution in a respectful and assertive manner.
"AND FINALLY, in order that no pretexts or arguments may be drawn from a supposed acquiescence on the part of this commonwealth in the constitutionality of those laws, and be thereby used as precedents for similar future violations of federal compact; this commonwealth does now enter against them, its SOLEMN PROTEST"
--What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
"That although this commonwealth as a party to the federal compact; will bow to the laws of the union, yet at the same time declare, that it will not now, nor ever hereafter, cease to oppose in a constitutional manner, every attempt from what quarter soever offered, to violate that compact:"
They warn that they are going to protest for what they want against the union.
--Who is writing?
The writers are the good people of the common wealth
"THE representatives of the good people of this commonwealth in general assembly convened, having maturely considered the answers of sundry states in the Union,"
--Who is the audience?
The audience includes American states and the Union.
"RESOLVED, That this commonwealth considers the federal union, upon the terms and for the purposes specified in the late compact, as conducive to the liberty and happiness of the several states"
--Who do the writers represent?
The writers represent the commonwealth people of America.
"THE representatives of the good people of this commonwealth in general assembly convened, having maturely considered the answers of sundry states in the Union, to their resolutions passed at the last session, respecting certain unconstitutional laws of Congress,"
--What is being said, argued and/or requested?
The people of the commonwealth feel the Union's alien and sedition laws interfere with the constitution for the people.
"commonly called the alien and sedition laws, would be faithless indeed to themselves, and to those they represent, were they silently to acquiesce in principles and doctrines attempted to be maintained in all those answers, that of Virginia only excepted. To again enter the field of argument, and attempt more fully or forcibly to expose the unconstitutionality of those obnoxious laws, would, it is apprehended be as unnecessary as unavailing. "
--How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
The commonwealth disagree with the Union's decisions and actions with the laws formed. They approach the situation with disagreement and strong discern. Instead of using violence or negative action, they are requesting a solution in a respectful and assertive manner.
"AND FINALLY, in order that no pretexts or arguments may be drawn from a supposed acquiescence on the part of this commonwealth in the constitutionality of those laws, and be thereby used as precedents for similar future violations of federal compact; this commonwealth does now enter against them, its SOLEMN PROTEST"
--What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
"That although this commonwealth as a party to the federal compact; will bow to the laws of the union, yet at the same time declare, that it will not now, nor ever hereafter, cease to oppose in a constitutional manner, every attempt from what quarter soever offered, to violate that compact:"
They warn that they are going to protest for what they want against the union.
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